Hire GraphQL developers
Optimize your API architecture with expert GraphQL developers. Deliver efficient, flexible queries—hire now and onboard fast.
How to hire GraphQL developer through Lemon.io
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FAQ about hiring GraphQL developers
Where can I hire a GraphQL developer?
To hire the right GraphQL Developer you can publish your job listings on job boards such as Glassdoor, Indeed, Jobs in Network or LinkedIn. You need to create the job listing, choose the relevant websites, publish the job listings, check the CVs, and proceed with the candidates who have the skills and experience that are good for your project. Afterwards, you need to make a large number of screening calls and hard skills interviews, choose the best candidate, and sign the contract with them. Also you can ask Lemon.io for help —we will provide you with a pre-vetted Senior GraphQL Developer in 48 hours. The second way is faster and easier because we already have a talent pool from more than 50 countries who have passed the screening calls and demonstrated their high level of qualifications.
How to hire a Senior GraphQL developer?
To hire a Senior GrapgQL Developer start by creating the company description, salary range for the position, and the list of skills and experience needed for the Senior GraphQL Developer position. Find or create screening questions to use during screening calls and technical interviews—choose questions relevant to the seniority level and tech stack of the position. If you prefer a different approach and are not prepared to spend time reviewing CVs and preparing for interviews, simply apply and share a project overview with our team. We will then present you with 2-3 qualified developers who have already completed all screening stages and are ready to join your project.
Which skills and tech stacks are relevant to GraphQL developers?
GraphQL developers’ work is related to various technologies that enable you to effectively use and implement GraphQL in applications. For GraphQL Developers is a must understanding the core concepts of GraphQL, designing and implementing APIs, proficiency in JavaScript. Familiarity with the TypeScript would be a plus. Also they need to work with GraphQL Servers, GraphQL Clients, Schema Design and Best Practices.
Which certifications are relevant to GraphQL Developer?
The certifications relevant to GraphQL developers focus on leveraging GraphQL to design, implement, and maintain robust APIs for modern web and mobile applications. These certifications could be useful for GraphQL developers: Apollo GraphQL Professional Certification, JavaScript and Web Development Certifications, AWS Certified Developer – Associate, Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate. This list of certifications is not complete – you can look for other courses to improve your skill set and qualifications.
How much does it cost to hire a GraphQL developer?
The cost to hire a GraphQL Developer could vary because of different seniority levels, skill sets, and number of years of experience, so the rate depends on those factors. Usually the rates for in-house worker and independent contactors are different. The base pay of hiring a Senior GraphQL Developer in the US, San Jose, ranges from $117K – $180K, according to GlassDoor. The additional pay is $30K – $56K per year.
What is the day rate for a GraphQL developer?
The average daily rate for a Senior GraphQL Developer’s contract in San Jose, US, ranges from $464 to $714, according to GlassDoor. The rate depends on various factors: seniority level, skill sets, and number of years of experience.
What is the US hourly rate for GraphQL developers?
The average hourly rate for a Senior GraphQL Developer’s contract in San Jose, US, ranges from $58 to $89, according to GlassDoor. The rate depends on various factors: seniority level, skill sets, and number of years of experience.
Are GraphQL developers still in demand?
Yes, GraphQL developers are in demand. GraphQL enables clients to request only the data they need, which helps in creating efficient and flexible applications. GraphQL developers can help design and implement APIs that optimize data fetching and improve performance, which is essential in development.
How does the no-risk trial period work for new clients?
Lemon.io offers a no-risk paid trial period for new clients, if needed. This period can be up to 20 hours, allowing you to check how the GraphQL Developer works on your tasks before signing up for a subscription.
If something goes wrong and the GraphQL Developer fails to meet expectations, we’ll show you another remote developer with our zero-risk replacement guarantee.
How quickly can I hire a GraphQL developer through Lemon.io?
You can hire a GraphQL developer through Lemon.io in 48 hours. During this time, we will manually find the candidate relevant to your requirements. Our main target is to provide a comfortable and fast hiring process for our clients, and we can achieve this because of our marketplace model: we have a community of Senior Software Engineers who are already pre-screened. To ensure that the GraphQL developers who join our community have a high level of skills and great technical background, here are the vetting stages they must successfully pass: VideoAsk, completion of their me.lemon profile, a screening call with our recruiters that includes various technical questions, and a technical interview with our developers.
Q&A about hiring GraphQL developers
- How does GraphQL handle versioning compared to REST?
- Is GraphQL front-end or back-end?
- Is GraphQL better than REST?
- What is the role of a GraphQL schema?
- Is GraphQL an AWS?
- What is GraphQL used for?
- What language is used in GraphQL?
- What are common tools and libraries used with GraphQL?
- Is GraphQL better than API?
- Will AI replace GraphQL developers?